
Sugar.Router defines an alternate format for Plug.Router routing. Supports all HTTP methods that Plug.Router supports.

Routes are defined with the form:

method route [guard], controller, action

method is get, post, put, patch, delete, or options, each responsible for a single HTTP method. method can also be any, which will match on all HTTP methods. controller is any valid Elixir module name, and action is any valid function defined in the controller module.

Along with defining routes, the router can also contain two other configurations: plugs and filters. Both of these allow for the modification of response on a much broader scale than what is possible with a single controller action.

Plugs are either called before the request is matched and routed or called with the ability to wrap the request with functionality before and after the request is matched and routed, all dependent on the plug’s definition. All plugs follow the specification for composable modules in between web applications as defined in the elixir-lang/plug repo.

Filters are called before and/or after the controller action is executed, all after the request is matched and routed.


defmodule YourProject.Router do
  use Sugar.Router
  plug Sugar.Plugs.HotCodeReload

  if Sugar.Config.get(:sugar, :show_debugger, false) do
    plug Plug.Debugger, otp_app: :your_project

  plug Plug.Static, at: "/static", from: :you_project

  # Uncomment the following line for session store
  # plug Plug.Session, store: :etc, key: "sid", secure: true, table: :session

  # Define your routes here
  get "/", YourProject.Controllers.Main, :index

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